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How to get Involved 

Pregnancy help center 
for your community

Welcome to

Living Alternatives of Jacksonville 


At Living Alternatives, we offer support, council, and parenting classes for you and your growing family. We mentor new families for childbirth, discuss the benefits of adoption and offer parenting classes. We also offer referrals to Maternity homes, adoption agencies, human services agencies, pastor and churches and physicians in the area. 

We have resources that you need for a pregnancy and aide for your family until the child is 2 years of age. Such as pregnancy test, formula, diapers, and clothing for you and your baby. Our counseling service offers you the freedom to ask questions and seek help as you enter this new stage of life and as your family grows.






We offer free counseling for both religious and non-religious backgrounds. We promote childbirth instead of abortion. Our counselors will advise you on nutrition and provide a report for Medicaid approval to assist you as you prepare for birth and parenting. At Living Alternatives, we know how challenging the transition into parenthood is. When you schedule an appointment with one of our great counselors we will make sure that we give you the advice and support that you need during this time. No matter the circumstance we would love to meet and talk with you!

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Opening hours:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 12 - 5 PM

Closed: Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday


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